Understanding why a majority of American Jews have voted Democratic since the 1930’s.

“From Civil Rights to Women’s Rights, social reforms, Jews have been on the frontier of liberal political movements.”In 1955, Professor Lawrence Fuchs of Brandeis University explained that “most Jews were basically translating Jewish held beliefs, such as charity, righteousness, and social justice into American political positions.”-rudermanfoundation.org.

As far back as the 19th century, Jewish store owners were virtually the only Southern merchants who addressed black customers as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” and permitted them to try on clothing. By the early 20th century, a few southern Jews spoke about the evils of White Supremacy.-myjewishlearning.com.

“Julius Rosenwald, Chairman of Sears Roebuck, contributed on behalf of Southern Blacks more so than any philanthropist in American history….Southern Jews quietly tended to be more liberal on the race issue and provided manpower and money for civil rights causes. Southern Rabbis also promoted the cause of Civil Rights via congregations. Rabbi Julian Feibelman of New Orleans Temple Sinai, in 1949, had the Black U.N. Ambassador Ralph Bunch, lecture in front of the first major integrated audience in New Orleans history.”-myjewishlearning.com.

”Jews, aligning themselves with Blacks, were subject to Klan anti-semitic violence. Temples and Jewish symbols were bombed throughout the South. Some Rabbis received death threats. In the North, Jews were the earliest supporters of the NAACP in 1914, and of the Urban League in 1911.-myjewishlearning.com.

To American Jews, the Holocaust is understandably, always is first and foremost in our thoughts. Nazism, is perceived by Jews as a direct result of Nationalism. Therefore patriotism, which is nationalistic, is perceived as a potential threat that can theoretically grow out of control and position countrymen against their own countrymen. Race against race; religion against religion.-Sara Wood. 10/23/18.

The perception that American Jews are about Israel first and foremost is a misperception. “Only 43% of Jews believe caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish.”- theguardian. 10/2/2013.

My observations: With this ingrained mindset, anything done by the left that Jews don’t particularly agree with, is overlooked in favor of the greater good (i.e. social justice). Historically, my Jewish people, as smart as they are, have not anticipated well, who is the actual enemy. Jews fought for Germany in World War I. Then they became the enemy. Germany blamed the Jews for the economic, social and political turmoil after World War I. This set the stage that led up to the Holocaust. -momentmag.com. 6/16/15.

In the same respect, Jews of today are fighting in America for Muslims, feelings that Muslims are an oppressed minority. The lack of realization that if Muslims do obtain power, can mandate Sharia Law, can lead to the possibility of another mass extermination, which is in the covenant writings of CAIR, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, is incredibly overlooked as a real possible scenario.

Conclusion: America was born and exists today due to one word. Patriotism. To compare our patriotism, for America, to the sick, evil minded nationalism that sporns Nazism and Facism, etc., is not justified. My Jewish people have to realize, number one: You haven’t been so smart in anticipating your enemies. Number two: America’s patriotism is not anywhere closely related to the bastardized versions of nationalism that Jews fear. Number 3: The Jewish need for social justice, helping the oppressed, has a class of our own people who have been totally left out of any efforts of being lifted up. Our own veterans. Jews need to realize that pinning race against race in America today, does nothing to solve any problems. To realize the Democratic platform is dependent on keeping the race card alive and is the primary motivating force for keeping Democrats, Democrats. / Done

By Harvey Staub

I started out a little nothing on Twitter 5 years ago. I always had a love for research, writing, digging for the truth. My very first writing class in Queens College, after I wrote my first paper, my Professor wanted to talk to me after class. Before I even sit down in her office, she says to me: “You’re very talented.” I said thank you, I appreciate that, but I’m also a practical kid. I knew pursuing writing out of college wasn’t a guaranteed job, so I became a Pharmacist. Now, as a Pharmacist for 44 years and an owner for 30 years, I now can devote time to my passion. My very first threaded tweet on Twitter was a hit, about how Sonny Bono was murdered, because even as a kid, I never believed that story that he died by slamming into a tree while skiing. It got a great response on Twitter and motivated me to do more research and writing. I was suspended from Twitter, but I always wrote on paper before writing on Twitter, and kept all my writings. I developed Thawts.net and took almost a year to rewrite everything onto my site. Now, anything I write is new stuff and about any subject of my choice. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. Sincerely, Harvey Staub 👍🇺🇸

1 comment

  1. An incredible discourse on the Jewish dependency to help those in our society who “seem to be” socially misjudged, while they themselves are their own worst enemy, socially. Done

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