Why do people dwell ?

Dwelling is defined as ”to think about something for a long time.” Simple enough. But why isn’t it so simple to stop thinking about that something, or a lot of somethings? Usually those something’s have a social component…a stressful situation with a person, or different people. We worry ”how we acted won’t be accepted by… Continue reading Why do people dwell ?

Why is it so difficult to change a person’s mind ?

“Truth and accuracy are not the only things that matter to the human mind. Humans also…have a deep desire to belong….Humans are herd animals. We want to fit in, to bond with others, and to earn the respect and approval of our peers….For most of our evolutionary history, our ancestors lived in tribes. Becoming separated… Continue reading Why is it so difficult to change a person’s mind ?

Good Parenting

“We need to encourage children to do things for themselves. We need to teach them to think independently, solve their own problems and believe deeply in their own abilities…sometimes “parents tend to do things for their children that the kids could easily do for themselves…in an effort to prevent them from feeling pain and discomfort,… Continue reading Good Parenting


Narcissism is defined as “an excessive interest in, or admiration of oneself and one’s physical appearance…selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy…selfcenteredness…”-Oxford Dictionary. ”According to Sigmund Freud, narcissism is a normal stage in child development, but it is considered a disorder when it occurs after puberty.”-Britannica.com. ”Studies show that the number of… Continue reading Narcissism

Obama and the Clinton’s Uranium One scandal with Russia

The $500,000. Putin gave to Bill Clinton for one speech in Moscow, ”from a Kremlin tied Russian bank…was part of a multi-million dollar influence peddling scheme to enrich the former President and his wife, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At the time, Russia was plotting, successfully, to secure U.S. government approval for its acquisition… Continue reading Obama and the Clinton’s Uranium One scandal with Russia

Ukraine’s Azov Battalion

Azov Battalion leader : ” We in the Azov Regiment, are the military servicemen of Ukraine, of various nationalities. There are Jews among us, Greeks among us, Belarusians, Gagauz people; these are all Ukrainian citizens. We don’t have hired guns among us. We have different faiths and religions. We are multi-national. So this Russian propaganda… Continue reading Ukraine’s Azov Battalion

Russia has more neo-Nazi’s than anywhere else in the world

“Russia is the world’s breeding ground for neo-Nazi culture.”-eupoliticalreport.eu. 4/22. When Putin became Russia’s President in 2000, ”Russia was shaken by a wave of racist violence committed by neo-Nazi skinhead gangs. After Putin’s accession to the Presidency in 2000, his regime exploited this development…” The Kremlin launched ”managed nationalism,” an attempt to co-opt and mobilize… Continue reading Russia has more neo-Nazi’s than anywhere else in the world