The Creation of the State of Israel

“In 1920, the Council of the League of Nations appointed Britain as the mandatory entrusted with the administration of the Land of Israel.”

“In 70 A.C., the Second Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman Empire, effectively ending Jewish rule in the Land of Israel until 1948.”

“The people of Israel (also called the “Jewish People”) trace their origin to Abraham, his son Yitshak (Isaac) and grandson Jacob (Israel)…the name Israel derives from the name given to Jacob (Genesis 32.29)…Jacob’s 12 sons were the kernels of 12 tribes that later developed into the Jewish nation.”

“The nation of Israel formed at about 1300 B.C. after their exodus from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.”

From 1517-1917, Pre-State Israel was ruled by the Ottoman

The term name “Palestine” that was chosen for the British Mandate, was based on the term “Palestina” that was given to the country by the Roman Empire in the second century

On November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration…made public the British support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The declaration was accepted by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922 and embodied into the British 6/11/18.

During this time, “it became evident that the idea of the Jewish National Home developed its own momentum.” 10/31/17.

Talaat Pasha, the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, issued in “The Ottoman Balfour Declaration” on 8/12/1918: “We have resolved to do away with all restrictive measures and definitely to abolish the restrictive regulations regarding the immigration and settlement of Jews in Palestine. I assure you of my sympathy for the creation of a Jewish religious center in Palestine by means of well organized immigration and colonization. It is my desire to place this work under the protection of the Turkish government.” 10/31/17.

“Soon after President Truman took office, he appointed several experts to study the Palestinian issue. “In the summer of 1946, Truman’s Assistant Secretary of State, Henry Grady, “entered into negotiations with a parallel British committee to discuss the future of Palestine.” By October 1946, Truman “publicly declared his support for the creation of a Jewish State.”-….”On November 29,1947, the U.N. adopted Resolution 181 (The Partition Resolution) that would divide the Palestinian Mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May, 1948, when the British Mandate was scheduled to end.”

“The U.S. Department of State grew concerned about the possibility of an all-out war in Palestine, as Arab States threatened to attack almost as soon as the U.N. passed the Partition Resolution.”- Prior to the U.N. vote, Jamal Husseini, the Arab Higher Committee’s spokesman stated: “The Arabs would drench the soil of our beloved country with the last drop of our blood.” Also, “Arabs would “fight for every inch of their country.”

The day the U.N. Partition Resolution passed on November 29,1947, Arabs instigated riots that “claimed the lives of 62 Jews and 32 Arabs.” In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29,1947-April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries…Jews suffered severe casualties…

“The U.N. blamed the Arabs for the violence.”…”The Arabs were blunt in taking responsibility for starting the war.”On 4/16/1948, Husseini stated: “We did not deny this. We told the whole world that we were going to fight.” “The U.N. Partition Resolution was never suspended or rescinded. Thus, Israel, was born on May 14, 1948, as the British finally left the country. Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, TransJordan and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel. Their intentions were: “A war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.”

“The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) had succeeded in stopping the Arab offensive.” Date of ceasefire was 6/11/1948.

“The U.S., The Soviet Union and most other states recognized Israel soon after it declared Independence on May 14, 1948, and immediately indicted the Arabs for their aggression. On July 15, 1948, the U.N. Security Council threatened to cite the Arab governments for aggression under the U.N. Charter.”

Count Folke Bernadotte, during the summer of 1948, was sent by the U.N. to Palestine to mediate a truce and try to negotiate a settlement. “Ironically, Bernadotte found little enthusiasm among the Arabs for independence. He wrote: “The Palestinian Arabs had no will of their own. Neither have they ever developed any specifically Palestinian nationalism. The demand for a separate Arab State in Palestine is relatively weak. It would seem as though…most of the Palestinian Arabs would be quite content to be incorporated into TransJordan.”- / Done

By Harvey Staub

I started out a little nothing on Twitter 5 years ago. I always had a love for research, writing, digging for the truth. My very first writing class in Queens College, after I wrote my first paper, my Professor wanted to talk to me after class. Before I even sit down in her office, she says to me: “You’re very talented.” I said thank you, I appreciate that, but I’m also a practical kid. I knew pursuing writing out of college wasn’t a guaranteed job, so I became a Pharmacist. Now, as a Pharmacist for 44 years and an owner for 30 years, I now can devote time to my passion. My very first threaded tweet on Twitter was a hit, about how Sonny Bono was murdered, because even as a kid, I never believed that story that he died by slamming into a tree while skiing. It got a great response on Twitter and motivated me to do more research and writing. I was suspended from Twitter, but I always wrote on paper before writing on Twitter, and kept all my writings. I developed and took almost a year to rewrite everything onto my site. Now, anything I write is new stuff and about any subject of my choice. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. Sincerely, Harvey Staub 👍🇺🇸

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