The Democratic Party

Mr. Robert Johnson, Founder of BET Network: “The party, in my opinion…has moved too far to the left.” Mr. Johnson describes himself as a centrist Democrat, and the party has become too liberal for his liking. “I don’t have a particular candidate I’m supporting in the party at this time…if a Democrat is going to… Continue reading The Democratic Party

The beginning of African slaves & slavery in the Americas

“Many Americans…mistakenly believe that most slaves were captured by Europeans who landed on the African coast and captured or ambushed people. The majority of people who were transported to the America’s were enslaved by other Africans.” “Europeans did not need to use any force to get those slaves. The slaves were sold…by their black owners.… Continue reading The beginning of African slaves & slavery in the Americas

Hammer. A signal intelligence program developed by the NSA years ago

“The CIA picked it up under the Obama Administration and I (Lt. General Thomas McInerney, USAF (retired) broke it in March of 2017, about what they were doing on the Russian hoax; but the fact is, the Obama Administration took this system and they put in an application called Scorecard. Scorecard changes votes at a… Continue reading Hammer. A signal intelligence program developed by the NSA years ago

Total Population Control

“The ultimate goal of the NSA (National Security Agency) is total population control.” …”At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the U.S.; The NSA lies about what it stores”, says whistleblower William Binney- “that’s a totalitarian mentality.”…”Wm Binney is one of the highest level whistleblowers to ever… Continue reading Total Population Control

Benghazi 9/11/12. Part II

Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, killed at Benghazi, said: “Africom and Centcom…one of their jobs is to send out rescue teams, on short notice, to be ready 24 hours a day…one in Tampa and one in Ramstein, Germany…they were told “we’re not supposed to do anything, because we were ordered, the State Dept. is… Continue reading Benghazi 9/11/12. Part II

Benghazi. The “Stand Down” order

“Defense Sec. Leon Panetta ordered U.S. forces to be deployed to rescue our personnel in Benghazi. They were mobilized to a staging area in Italy and were ready to go.” -James Barrett/ Daily Wire reported. “The damning reasons for this failure include political concerns about how the Libyan government wanted our military personnel dressed.” The… Continue reading Benghazi. The “Stand Down” order

Benghazi 9/11/12

It was the summer of 2012. The British abandoned Benghazi. They determined the city was too dangerous. On June 11th, 2012, the British Ambassador’s motorcade was attacked by rocket propelled grenades. Two of his security guards were wounded. This was one of 48 separate security incidents in Benghazi. The British left their weapons and vehicles… Continue reading Benghazi 9/11/12

The Benghazi video hoax

In her first public statement released at 10:08 pm,est, 9/11/12, on the night of the attack, Sec. Clinton blamed the attack on a video. “A response to inflammatory material posted on the internet.” Three hours prior, in a call between Sec. Clinton and President Magariaf of Libya, Sec. Clinton said, “I understand Ansar al-Sharia is… Continue reading The Benghazi video hoax

Slave labor camps in America

Judge Richard A. Miller sentenced Brad McGahey to a rehab program called CAAIR. CAAIR stands for “Christian Alcoholics and Addicts in Recovery.” Sentencing was on August 10,2010, in Marshall County, Oklahoma. McGahey was facing a one year prison term in State prison. Judge Miller said, “you need to learn a work ethic, I’m sending you… Continue reading Slave labor camps in America