“Our generation doesn’t talk about politics”

•• Okay, so who do you know who to vote for?

• Whoever’s going to give me free stuff and pay my college loans.

•• Okay, so those same people created this whole new Covid world, where you have to wear masks, get Covid tested if you THINK you have it. They shut your business if it was deemed non-essential, putting many businesses out of business for good; workers lost their jobs; alcoholism, drug abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, suicides, all increased, as a result.

• Yes, but it didn’t affect me.

•• Okay, did you get tested for Covid ?

• Yes, and I was negative. But then I got a call from somebody from the government. I told them I tested negative. They told me they had me down as testing positive. I argued with them to no avail. They told me I need to self quarantine for 2 weeks. That if I didn’t, I would be subject to a fine and/or imprisonment. They also wanted to know the names of everyone I was in contact for the prior week, and give them their phone numbers.

•• So, what did you do ?

• I did what they said and stayed home for 2 weeks.

•• Okay, did you think that was fair ?

• No, I shouldn’t have been told to stay home and they have no right asking for other people’s names and phone numbers. I mean, how is the government even allowed to do such a thing ?

•• Right, so it’s not just about the free stuff anymore. Now, you’ve been personally affected. Now you know what it’s like when government gets out of control and tries to control you. So maybe, just maybe, you’ll start opening up your mind to see what else government is doing that you don’t agree with.

• You’re right.

•• Now, you’re becoming aware. When you start thinking for yourself and are not concerned what your friends, family think, what is the accepted “norm.” But to decide for yourself, what YOU think. So talking about politics isn’t so bad after all, is it ?

• No. / Done

By Harvey Staub

I started out a little nothing on Twitter 5 years ago. I always had a love for research, writing, digging for the truth. My very first writing class in Queens College, after I wrote my first paper, my Professor wanted to talk to me after class. Before I even sit down in her office, she says to me: “You’re very talented.” I said thank you, I appreciate that, but I’m also a practical kid. I knew pursuing writing out of college wasn’t a guaranteed job, so I became a Pharmacist. Now, as a Pharmacist for 44 years and an owner for 30 years, I now can devote time to my passion. My very first threaded tweet on Twitter was a hit, about how Sonny Bono was murdered, because even as a kid, I never believed that story that he died by slamming into a tree while skiing. It got a great response on Twitter and motivated me to do more research and writing. I was suspended from Twitter, but I always wrote on paper before writing on Twitter, and kept all my writings. I developed Thawts.net and took almost a year to rewrite everything onto my site. Now, anything I write is new stuff and about any subject of my choice. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. Sincerely, Harvey Staub 👍🇺🇸


  1. It’s only after “The Government” goes after your freedoms do you speak up. Learn to listen to the information that comes out on these “government dudes and agencies” before you cast your votes!!!!!

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