“In 1948, just 3 years after the end of World War II, a leading Nazi war criminal managed to escape from a prison in Linz, Austria.”-dw.com. 1/3/20. “I arrived in Rome and walked across a bridge…and suddenly found myself face to face with a former comrade. His outlaw companion asked, “Are you on your way to see Hulda?…after a short walk, the Austrian arrived” at the Bishop’s residence…the Bishop said: “you must be Franz Stangl,…I was expecting you.”-commentarymagazine.com. 12/11. “Stangl (a Nazi) had been commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka death camps. Wanted for the murder of nearly a million Jews, he was desperately seeking to escape the clutches of Allied justice. He had come to the right man. Also an Austrian, Bishop Hudal, was rector of the College in Rome known as the “Anima”, a seminary for German speaking priests.” Hudal was a Nazi sympathizer dedicated to helping war criminals. -commentarymagazine.com. 12/11.
“After finding Stangl a job at the German College, the Bishop…supplied him with travel documents, a steamship ticket and a factory job in Syria. Later, Stangl traveled to Brazil, where he would bring his wife and family. In Sao Paolo, he found work in a factory that manufactured, of all things, Volkswagens….the deliverance of ex-Nazi’s, SS men, and known war criminals was repeated hundreds of times” by Catholic priests. “Their actions were not only known to diplomats in the highest echelons of the Vatican hierarchy, they were morally and financially supported by them,” and by unknowing American Catholics and some of their all too knowing leaders as well.”-commentarymagazine.com. 12/11.
“Some 90% of Nazi perpetrators who escaped Europe are thought to have fled across The Alps to Italy.” These escape routes were known as “the ratlines.”-dw.com. 1/3/20. The first stop: a monastery in Merano, Capuchin or Bolzano. “Sometimes, the Nazi’s were accommodated right next to their former victims, Jews headed to Israel.”-dw.com. 1/3/20. Next stop was Rome. “The Nazi’s who had a letter from the Catholic Church confirming their identity, were handed a passport by…the Red Cross, which issued 120,000 papers until 1951.”-dw.com. 1/3/20.
After Rome, the ratline extended to Genoa. From Genoa, “the routes used to get the rats out of Europe” were: Spain, South America; “Argentina was the safest haven for Nazi’s in South America. Many of the most wanted war criminals made it their home, mainly due to their non-extradition arrangement with the Allied countries and also due, in part, to President Peron’s reverence for Nazi Germany.”…”Argentina was brimming with over 250,000 Germans.”-thevintagenews.com. 2/4/17.
“There was a brief scandal in Italy after Hudal’s ratline was exposed, so the Vatican turned to Father Draganovic, a Croatian fascist, as his replacement in running the Rome ratline.”…”Hudal had smuggled 1,000-2,000 fugitives, mostly German Nazi’s while Draganovic ratlines smuggled at least 30,000 war criminals…”…”He met regularly with Cardinal Montini, Italian and American intelligence; American intelligence paid him $1,200. a head, to smuggle out Nazi’s they thought would be useful in future operations.”- libya360.wordpress.com. 7/28/19.
“The Ustasha, an organization known as the “Nazi Puppet Regime,” operated in Yugoslavia from 1929-1945. It functioned as a fascist terrorist movement that supported Nazi and Italian forces.”…”During World War II, Ustashi military members gathered an estimated 500,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies and demanded 1,000 kilograms of gold from each…they were told the money would prevent their murders. But once the gold was handed over, the groups were sent to concentration camps anyway, where most of them died.”…”The organization operated closely with the Croatian Catholic Church…”….”the clergy’s involvement was eventually exposed. A trial in 1946 resulted in the conviction of 6 Ustasha priests, including Father Majstorovic, the overseer of a concentration camp where the Ustashas killed hundreds of thousands of Jewish Serbs.” …”Though Father Majstorovic oversaw one of the death camps, it was Father Draganovic who had directed the entire murderous priesthood. He was also a senior official of the Ustasha committee,”…When Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945, 288 kilograms of gold were removed from the Croatian National Bank and state treasuries. Some of that landed in Draganovic’s hands. Called the “Golden Priest”…he was never officially charged for war crimes.”-moneymorning.com. 8/14/15.
In 1997, proof was discovered in the Vatican Bank’s archives of a Nazi gold scandal. “A memo was composed by former U.S. Treasury Department field investigator Emerson Bigelow. After World War II, Bigelow conducted several investigations throughout Europe. He connected with a viable source that could link the Vatican Bank directly to Nazi gold.”…”to this day, the Vatican’s archives, likely the only source that could directly tie the Vatican Bank with Nazi gold- have remained sealed. -moneymorning.com. 8/14/15.
Conclusion: On March 2, 2020, the long awaited opening of the Vatican’s archives on Pope Pius XII, were sharply criticized by the Chief Rabbi of Rome. “Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni said that rather than waiting for researchers to study the archives and reach their own conclusions, the Vatican selectively published documents on its website in an effort to convince the public that Pope Pius XII, was on the side of the Jews.” This picture tells a different story 👇

Rabbi Di Segni stated: “After saying that years of study would be needed, now the answers emerge on the first day like a rabbit from a magicians hat. Please let the historians get to work.”…”The archives took 14 years to prepare and include 2 million documents.” Pope Francis stated: “The Church isn’t afraid of history.”- latimes.com. 3/3/20. Time will tell. / Done
The Church should definitely be afraid of history especially if that history is the honest one, not the history that was made up to meet their own historical narratives. Done