A friend of mine said to me: ”I feel out of touch with Ukraine. How do you feel about all the money we are sending?” First, she’s a very smart lady and I understand her predicament. At the very beginning of the war, talking heads such as Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino, Lara Logan, Simone Gold, were bashing Ukraine based on the Biden’s corruption there before Zelensky was President. Then on Truth Social, there was a groupthink opinion that Trump and Putin were working together to bring down the Deep State. Walt Disney wouldn’t have been able to come up with this idea, but due to certain talking heads, who are more interested in self promotion, jumping on the popular narrative and sensational journalism, this fantasy took hold.
Then, there was the very efficient Russian propaganda machine, promoting the CIA run bioweapons labs in Ukraine, along with the Russian goal of De-Nazification of Ukraine. When Russia presented “evidence” of bioweapons in Ukraine to the U.N., all they presented was a flow chart that a sixth grader could have put together. The “evidence” was quickly dismissed by bioweapons experts. 👇

Also, a map was put together pin pointing exactly where bioweapons labs existed in Ukraine. But, if you look in the bottom right portion of the map, it’s supposedly put together by “Nations Online Project,” which, if you go to their site, the map doesn’t exist, and Nations Online has nothing to do with researching bioweapons labs in Ukraine. More false Russian propaganda. 👇

As far as De-Nazification of Ukraine, I’ve written a paper on the Azov Battalion of Ukraine in this blog, so please refer to that. Nazi’s hold zero power in the Ukranian government and President Zelensky is Jewish, and also speaks Russian. More false Russian propaganda.
It is hard to relate to this war, because it’s not our war. The Ukranians are fighting their own war against a superpower. Yes, we are supporting them, rightfully so, as the leader of the free world, The United States has a direct interest in supporting a sovereign nation that was invaded under false pretenses. Ukraine’s only desire is to live as a free nation, maintain their Ukranian identity and sovereignty, and be a part of the world community of nations. The United States is giving Ukraine military and humanitarian aid. For arguments sake, according to recent estimates, lets say the United States has spent $60 Billion on the Ukranian war so far. We spent $168 Billion on the 8 year Vietnam war ($1 trillion in today’s dollars). We spent $2.3 trillion on the 20 year Afghanistan war. We left $80 Billion of military equipment there. Over 57,000 Americans died in Vietnam; countless others had their lives cut short, or plagued, by Agent Orange. We lost 2,200 Americans in Afghanistan. We have no boots on the ground in Ukraine. Our aid is delivered via NATO. There are approximately 20,000 volunteers from many various countries, volunteering to fight for Ukraine.
Conclusion: Countless Russians have left Russia. Countless corporations have left Russia. Countless corporations and individuals refuse to do business with Russia. Countless Russians have been arrested, jailed, for calling the “Special Military Operation,” a war. Countless Russian Oligarchs, among others, are sanctioned by other countries. Countless war crimes by Russia and Russian soldiers, of rape, torture, random killing of civilians, intentional bombings of civilian and children’s shelters, schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, shopping centers, train stations, designated safe roads bombed, etc.. Countless countries, severing ties with Russia and sanctioning Russia in various ways. So, to sum it up, this is not a Democrat or Republican issue. It’s an issue of supporting a budding Democracy. President Zelensky recently revoked Ukranian citizenship of 4 Oligarch’s, who had dual citizenships, to show the world community he’s serious about cracking down on corruption. A campaign promise of his when he was elected in 2019.
Yes, Zelensky was an actor/ performer prior to becoming President, but so was Pres. Reagan. The difference being Zelensky was an extremely popular performer, and Reagan was not.
The real intentions of Putin have always been to reunite the old Soviet Union. Europe and all of the former Soviet Union countries, realize this to be true. Vietnam and Afghanistan never wanted Democracy, so our efforts in both, were bound for failure. Ukraine does want to be free and Democratic, maintain their identity, language, culture, sovereignty. I I’ve always believed in President Zelensky and the Ukranian people. That Zelensky is today’s version of Winston Churchill. I believe Ukraine will be victorious. Soldiers fight if they believe in their leader, leadership and what they are fighting for. Morale is high and has always been high. Russia was fooled into going into this war. 👇

Leadership is extremely poor and being killed off at a very high rate. Russian soldiers have very low morale. Morale is the most important component going into, and carrying out war missions.
Cheers to President Zelensky, Ukraine and every country, individual, lending Ukraine a helping hand. Onward to victory ! / Done
That was a phenomenal essay. You explained the Ukrainian situation perfectly. Thanks for your exemplary input into the situation between Ukraine and Russia. Hopefully, the fearless people of Ukraine will be victorious, sooner rather than later.
After reading your essay about Churchill, I am not sure I can agree with you here “ That Zelensky is today’s version of Winston Churchill.” 🧐 But despite that this was definitely a very good read and explained it very clearly.