Jewish historical facts in Russia, Eastern Europe, from 1881-1941

“In 1897, The Russian Empire was home to some 5.3 million Jews, approximately half of the world Jewry.” 9/17/2013. World War I was from July 28, 1914-Nov. 11,1918. Also, during this time period, the Bolshevik Revolution started in Russia in March, The Revolution was started by Lenin and Bogdanov. “Bogdanov was one of the founders of the tendency known as “G-D Building”- an esoteric, heretical Bolshevism that hoped to harness the human impulse toward faith and channel it into the service of socialism.” 2018.

During the time period of 1881-1917, pogroms (mob attacks), were carried out against Jews, in Russia. “False rumors aroused Russian mobs In more than 200 cities and towns to attack Jews and destroy their property…The Russian central government did not organize pogroms…but the anti-semitic policy that it carried out from 1881-1917 made them possible.”

“In 1919, nearly 100,000 Jews were murdered in Ukraine and Poland in pogroms. These ethnic riots dominated headlines and international affairs of their time as aid workers warned that 6 million Jews were in danger of complete extermination….the genocidal violence that engulfed the region right after the revolution, laid the groundwork for the Holocaust.” 11/4/2019.

“1921-1923, the first of 3 famines that Ukraine’s population has suffered under the Soviet Communist regime, and a famine…that was caused by the policies of the Soviet state.”….”Most of the victims were Ukrainians, Germans, Jews, Russians, all suffered. Between 1921-1923, 1.5-2 million people died of starvation and due to accompanying 11/6/1988.

The second Soviet man made famine, occurred from 1931-1934. An estimated 40 million people died within the Soviet Union. The Holodomor, or the Ukrainian genocide, occurred during this period of time, from 1932-1933. An estimated 5 million people died in Ukraine during this time.

“The Holodomor…had a profound impact on the entire population of Ukraine. It badly affected the lives of Jews in Kyiv and Ukraine, and it damaged Jewish-gentile relations for many years…The Holodomor provoked a significant migration of Jews from small towns to the large cities, particularly to Kyiv…where they hoped to receive some aid. However, the overcrowded cities could not accommodate this flood of migrants.” 10/24/19.

In 1938, Hitler was busy squeezing out German Jews from Germany. In mid July 1938, in the French resort of Evian, 32 nations gathered, plus 39 private organizations, for 8 days, to try to figure out which countries will take Jews from Germany. In the end, the conference was deemed a flop. “Only one nation, The Dominican Republic, agreed to accept 100,000 refugees.”

“At some point in 1941, Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich and other top personnel reach the decision to physically annihilate the Jews of Europe.”

“A number of European countries have enacted laws criminalizing both the denial of the Holocaust and the promotion of Nazi ideology…some also criminalize the denial of other genocides, most prominently the genocide of the Armenians.”…”Germany and Austria take these laws very seriously and vigilantly prosecute both speech and behavior having any reference to Nazi’s and Nazism.”

“The Holocaust was the systemic, bureaucratic, state sponsored persecution and murder of 6 million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.”….”only one comprehensive statistical study conducted on behalf of SS Chief Himmler survived the war. A copy was among the records captured by the U.S. Army in 1945….counting victims is important for research and to understand the magnitude of the crimes.”-

Conclusion: Factual history is important. Many people try to deny, falsify, slant, or make up their own version of history. Facts are known truths. The truth will always survive the test of time, whereas falsifiers are eventually exposed and quietly disappear. / Done

By Harvey Staub

I started out a little nothing on Twitter 5 years ago. I always had a love for research, writing, digging for the truth. My very first writing class in Queens College, after I wrote my first paper, my Professor wanted to talk to me after class. Before I even sit down in her office, she says to me: “You’re very talented.” I said thank you, I appreciate that, but I’m also a practical kid. I knew pursuing writing out of college wasn’t a guaranteed job, so I became a Pharmacist. Now, as a Pharmacist for 44 years and an owner for 30 years, I now can devote time to my passion. My very first threaded tweet on Twitter was a hit, about how Sonny Bono was murdered, because even as a kid, I never believed that story that he died by slamming into a tree while skiing. It got a great response on Twitter and motivated me to do more research and writing. I was suspended from Twitter, but I always wrote on paper before writing on Twitter, and kept all my writings. I developed and took almost a year to rewrite everything onto my site. Now, anything I write is new stuff and about any subject of my choice. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. Sincerely, Harvey Staub 👍🇺🇸


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