”Two days after 9/11/2001, Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Washington, Prince Bandar, met with President Bush at the White House. The two men smoked cigars on the Truman Balcony.”-theweek.com. 6/18/16. Vice President

Dick Cheney was also on the balcony.
Saudi banking billionaire Mahfouz and Salem bin Laden, brother of Osama bin Laden, did business with George W. Bush. “In 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden’s brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.”- The Denver Post. 9/11/06.
Several bin Laden family members, did business with George H.W. Bush. George H.W. Bush was a senior advisor to the Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm where the bin Laden family invested millions of dollars. “After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from Carlyle.”- The Denver Post. 9/11/06.
The bin Laden family, because they were heavily invested in a defense fund of Carlyle Group, stood to gain financially from the war against terrorism and their own brother, Osama bin Laden. The Carlyle Group’s annual meeting was taking place the morning of 9/11/2001, at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, D.C.. -pressherald.com. 12/15/18.
The Bush’s and their allies, including Former Secretary of State James Baker, Vice President Dick Cheney, were invested via Carlyle Group in energy and defense. Salon.com. 3/13/2004. V.P. Dick Cheney was Chairman and CEO of Halliburton from 1995-2000, an energy based company.-Halliburton.com.
The Saudi’s invested in Carlyle Group funds or one of the many companies owned by Carlyle in defense or energy. James Baker’s law firm, Baker Botts, represented giant oil companies and defense contractors with the Saudi’s. -Salon.com. 3/13/2004.
“The Bush White House presented false claims linking 9/11/2001 to Iraq, while simultaneously hiding credible evidence implicating Saudi Arabia.”-28pages.org. 8/8/16.
Laurence Wilkerson, Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell stated: “They wanted to go to war with Iraq. Anything that supported Al Queda connections with Baghdad, was good.” Dick Cheney made eleven visits to CIA to impress upon them, not to investigate the Saudi Arabian connections.-28pages.org.8/8/16. …”Saudi Arabia’s absence from the official 9/11 narrative was deliberate.”- Laurence Wilkerson, 28pages.org.8/8/16.
Prior to Colin Powell’s address to the U.N., V.P. Cheney made it clear there was to be no mention of Saudi Arabia’s involvement. -28pages.org. 8/8/16.
The Saudi’s also gained financially via the Bush’s in the expected war(s) after 9/11/01. The Bush’s profited enormously via the Carlyle Group as a result of the wars after 9/11/01. Bush, Cheney, et. al., continue to profit to this day through the Carlyle Group, which obtained a $1 billion contract to rebuild Iraq after the war. Halliburton does enormous business currently in Saudi Arabia as a result of the Bush/ Cheney connection.
Conclusion: The picture of Bush, Cheney and Saudi Ambassador Bandar, smoking cigars together, 2 days after 9/11/01, on the White House porch, says it all. They felt no remorse, but obviously a sense of achievement. Bush/ Cheney were ecstatic about the future, which was going to war and making money. Prince Bandar was ecstatic that America suffered a direct hit and so many casualties as a result of direct Saudi involvement. This picture of Dick Cheney actually relaxing with his feet up, and seemingly enjoying seeing the towers collapse, speaks for itself.

All parties were complicit with the tragedy of 9/11/01. / Done
Wow. I have no words. Never understood the machinations of those in the Bush regime. Now I do to some extent.