Sonny Bono was murdered

Sonny Bono died on Jan. 5, 1998. Cher’s former husband and singing partner. The “official” story was death due to a skiing accident. Not true. Sonny Bono before his death, was a California Congressman on the House Crime Committee. “There were no witnesses, the autopsy report was not released to the public, and Bono had… Continue reading Sonny Bono was murdered

Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right about Communists in our Government

“Joseph McCarthy is the most unjustly demonized individual in American history…In Feb. 1950, McCarthy, a Republican Senator from Wisconsin, launched a massive campaign against alleged Communists and Soviet agents working for, spying on, the U.S. government. In Senate hearings stretching across much of the first half of the 1950’s, he accused numerous U.S. government employees,… Continue reading Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right about Communists in our Government

Union Leadership Corruption

John F. Kennedy condemned the leadership of American Labor Unions as corrupt. John and his brother Robert, “played a major role in uncovering and addressing endemic corruption in Labor organizations in the U.S. …Both men were significant players in the largest inquiry into corruption in organized labor unions, which took place in the late 1950’s.… Continue reading Union Leadership Corruption

How U.S. media propaganda is based on the Nazi model

In July 1932, Adolf Hitler named Joseph Goebbels as Director of the Propaganda Ministry. Goebbels concentrated on controlling schools, universities, film, radio, the press. Goebbels stated: “The national education of the German people will be placed in my hands.”…”The Propaganda Ministry aimed to control the news and editorial pages through directives distributed in daily conferences… Continue reading How U.S. media propaganda is based on the Nazi model

Giving up on the will to live

”Give-up-itis” describes people who respond to traumatic stress by developing extreme apathy, give up hope, relinquish the will to live and die, despite no obvious organic cause.” …”it’s the expression of mental defeat.” “The wish to die had either been triggered suddenly after traumatic life events or had developed gradually after a life full of… Continue reading Giving up on the will to live